Showing: 1 - 10 of 24 RESULTS

Brain Health During Menopause, What Will Help You

Brain Health. We all know that our brains are like muscles: if you don’t use them, they’ll get weaker. When we talk about the brain, we’re referring to the collection of nerve cells in our head called neurons. These neurons are organized into groups called lobes which help us think and feel. In this article, …

How Do Xenoestrogens Affect Menopause?

We take advantage of everything life offers like food, products, and all the pleasurable comforts of life. Not to spoil anything – but did you know that by accepting everything in, xenoestrogens assault your body in secret? Xenoestrogens affect menopause in a big way! They are fake estrogens that disrupt hormone balance and worsen menopause symptoms. The …

How to Maintain Strong Bones Through Menopause and Beyond

How to Keep Your Skeleton Strong We’ve been programmed to think of osteoporosis as something to worry about “later” when we reach older adulthood. The US Department of Health and Human Services doesn’t recommend bone density screening until age 65. If you’re under 64 and have gone through menopause (which is bizarre wording on their …

How to Build a Better Body Image in Menopause

Many women struggle during the menopause transition. Here’s what can help. It’s not a secret that women go through a lot when they’re going through menopause. There are physical symptoms, but they’re also emotional and psychological effects. One of which is how we see ourselves. We feel less attractive, less valuable, and less womanly. I’m …

How to Relieve Estrogen Dominance Symptoms

Introduction When I reached menopause, I felt a lot of symptoms, with anxiety and depression as my least favorite. I wanted to get to understand my hormonal health, and I discovered Estrogen Dominance (ED). Have you ever heard of ED? Let’s learn more about common estrogen dominance symptoms and how you can relieve them! Estrogen …

Common Reasons For Hormonal Changes in Women Over 40

Hormonal imbalance develops when the normal functioning of the endocrine system changes. Yes, this may sound basic, but we are talking about the “production and control system” of our hormones, especially when we are over 40! 😰 It’s a fact: women go through menopause. But what exactly causes hormonal changes? And why do they happen? …

How To Treat Dry Skin In Menopause

Dry skin can be an irritating part of menopause, but there are ways to alleviate it. One of the best ways to treat and prevent dry skin is to eat a diet that is hormone-balancing, anti-inflammatory & gut-friendly. Daily exercise and dry brushing are great habits that can detoxify and make the skin supple! It …