Dry skin can be an irritating part of menopause, but there are ways to alleviate it.

One of the best ways to treat and prevent dry skin is to eat a diet that is hormone-balancing, anti-inflammatory & gut-friendly. Daily exercise and dry brushing are great habits that can detoxify and make the skin supple! It is also essential to manage stress levels because some skin conditions are triggered by stress, and don’t forget the importance of staying hydrated! 

The skin is a reflection of our inner health. When we have imbalances inside our body, it is one of the first organs to show signs of distress! Our skin also helps us regulate temperature and absorb nutrients, serving as our first line of defense against environmental toxins.

Dry skin is one of the symptoms of menopause, but it’s not just limited to those going through menopause. Dry skin can happen at any point in your life, mainly if you live in a dry climate or have been bathing with harsh soaps or detergents. The discomfort caused by dry skin can be an aggravating side effect of aging and a side effect of hormonal changes that affect your skin; it doesn’t matter how old you are.

Fortunately, there are ways to help alleviate dryness in your body while treating other symptoms related to menopause (like hot flashes). With the help of moisturizer and staying hydrated, you’ll be able to deal with this common symptom effectively! Here are some tips to help you alleviate the menopause dry skin:

Use a humidifier.

If you have dry skin, a humidifier can help. The good news is that many types of humidifiers are available for purchase. It’s essential to choose the right one for you and your home.

  • Whole-House: Most homes have central heating and cooling systems that don’t allow much control over humidity levels in each room. A whole-house humidifier will distribute moisture throughout the house at a set humidity group that works best for humans. If you choose this option, get one with an automatic shutoff feature, so it doesn’t run all night long when no one is home!
  • Conventional Cool Mist Humidifiers: Conventional cool mist humidifiers work by converting regular tap water into an invisible vapor mist with just a few pumps of its button or knob on top! These units tend toward larger sizes but don’t require installation because they sit on flat surfaces (desktops are popular). They’re also great choices if you want something portable but still powerful enough to supply moisture throughout your home–fill’ er up!”

Stay hydrated.

Your body comprises 60% water and must stay hydrated to function properly. If you’re not drinking enough water, your skin will show it. To help keep your skin looking its best, drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Also, drinking more when exercising or outside in hot weather is imperative because sweating causes the body to lose more fluids than usual.

If you find yourself constantly on the go and don’t have time for a full glass of water throughout the day, try keeping a bottle filled with cold liquid (make sure it isn’t too cold) in your bag or car so that when you need an icy pick-me-up. For example, after walking from one end of town to another during rush hour traffic—you’ll be able to grab it and quench your thirst quickly!

Watch your showers.

Use warm water and a gentle cleanser for your face and body. (I oil cleanse using Living Libations, click here to purchase) Choosing quality products is the key to keeping your skin in good shape. If you tend to shower for long periods, try shortening your showers by 5 minutes each week until you reach a maximum of 15 minutes. You should also avoid using too much soap or shower gel, which can lead to dryness.

If hot water makes your skin feel drier, try switching it from hot water on your shower days to cold showers instead! Colder water will help lower the temperature in your body and control any inflammation that may be causing dryness in the first place.

Take an oatmeal bath.

Oatmeal is a natural moisturizer, so adding it to your bath water will help keep your skin soft and smooth.

  • Add 1 cup of oats to a warm bath, and soak for at least 20 minutes.
  • Ensure the water isn’t too hot—you’ll want it to be comfortable but not too warm.
  • Use a loofah or washcloth to scrub the oatmeal into your skin as you rinse off with warm water (but not hot).

Use coconut oil.

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that helps keep your skin moist. It also has anti-aging properties and can be used on the skin, hair, and nails to promote healthy-looking skin. Coconut oil is an excellent alternative to chemical-based products with harmful side effects. I purchase coconut oil from Trader Joe’s because it is an excellent moisturizer for the skin, hair, and nails. It contains fatty acids that help prevent dryness, breakage, and premature aging of your skin. It is also a great alternative to chemical-based products with harmful side effects because it is pure coconut oil, with no additives.

Follow a low-glycemic diet.

A low-glycemic diet does not cause blood sugar levels to spike. On the other hand, a high-glycemic diet is usually rich in refined carbohydrates and low in fiber. As a result, it can lead to insulin resistance and inflammation—which may be why it makes you feel tired and foggy—plus it can cause weight gain.

To follow a low-glycemic diet:

  • Eat whole foods like fruits, vegetables, unprocessed meats (like grass-fed beef), nuts/seeds (such as walnuts or sunflower seeds), and legumes (for example, lentils). These foods supply your body with plenty of vitamins and minerals without causing excessive spikes in blood sugar levels.
  • Avoid processed foods such as white bread or pasta because they are typically made from refined grains, which are digested rapidly due to their low fiber content.


Dry skin is very common in menopause and can be challenging to treat. However, there are many ways to remedy dry skin in menopause and make it less of a problem. Dry skin can be caused by various factors, including hormonal changes, dry air, low humidity levels, stress, and aging. However, there are several simple remedies that you can use at home to treat your dry skin.

If you’re struggling with dry skin in menopause or want to prevent future problems with this condition, the best thing to do is talk with your doctor about the best treatment options for your unique situation.

What’s your experience with dry skin? How did you relieve it? Share your skincare secrets with us!

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Finally, get the facts on other interesting menopause issues. Click here for all of the articles.



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