Oil Cleansing Guide

Especially in the environment that we live in today, taking care of your mental and physical health is one of the most important things you can do. In today’s world, there are great deals of responsibilities that must be fulfilled.

People are occupied with managing their jobs, running their businesses, studying, and doing much more. However, you must also take measures to look after yourself during this period. This can also be accomplished by using skin care products and caring for your skin.

Getting Started with Skincare

Skincare, as the name suggests, is the process of caring for your skin. This can be accomplished by consistently giving your skin the attention and care it needs. People have a variety of various skincare routines that they follow to help them purge their skin of impurities and to keep their skin healthy, radiant, and new.

There are several skincare routines that you need to learn about. For example, how to moisturize your skin, apply sunblock, and oil cleanse.

Things to remember

● Stay away from anything, whether a food item or a beauty product, which causes your skin to break out.

● The right methods of cleansing or knowing how to use cleansing oil.

● Utilizing sunscreen and other sun protection measures daily.

● Applying products to your face that help it remain in the optimal condition for you.

Skincare with Oil Cleansing

So, the question is, what is oil cleansing? One of the many strategies used to keep your face free of wrinkles and acne is the oil cleansing method. But, there are other methods as well.

Commonly, this concept is also referred to as ‘OCM.’ Do you know how to oil cleanse? Well, this technique involves applying oils that are compatible with your skin to your face and then massaging it so that the oils can be absorbed into your skin. As a result, your skin will react favorably to the oils.

Opting for Oil Cleansing?

It is not always required to use the same oils for your face; there are ways to alternate between them. It is also occasionally necessary to adjust the combination of these oils to accommodate the appropriate skin preference for various skin types.

Because of this, it is possible for almost anyone to successfully complete an oil cleanse using this procedure and get back positive results. But knowing how to oil cleanse is another step you need to learn. Other than that, there are other factors to consider like, how often should you oil cleanse or what cleansing oil to use. 

What is Oil Cleansing?

Your face is a sensitive subject area of the body for any type of product. How to oil cleanse depends on the cleansing oils you are using. There are a lot of different oils that are used for cleansing. Such as:

● Castor oil

● Lavender oil

● Olive oil 

My favorite and recommended is the Living Libations Best Skin Ever Seabuckthorn oil

Oil Cleansing for Skin Issues

Oil cleansing is effective because it penetrates further beyond the surface of your skin to remove any dirt, dead skin debris, and other pollutants that may be present. In addition, the various oils used in this procedure are mixed together to create a barrier or a type of mask that helps your skin remain protected from potential harm or bacteria that floats in the air nearby.

This helps keep your skin from becoming irritated or infected. Your skin will be protected, and it will also retain its natural moisture and keep you glowing. Does oil cleansing help with acne? That, too, is the case! Oil cleansing can help with some skin breakouts and mild or severe issues.

Oil Cleansing at Home like Professionals

Do not worry if you cannot go to a professional to get this cleansing done on your face and don’t know how to use cleansing oil since we have a solution for you that will work just as well. For this technique, you should use the most effective oil cleansing product you can obtain!

The Proper Method for Oil Cleansing!

Using the Living Libations Sea Buckthorn facial cleansing oil can make your skin clearer and maintained. Because the components in this product are entirely organic, they are suitable for use on all kinds of skin.

Since it was first made available to the public, this product has seen consistent use among consumers and continues to enjoy high popularity.

  •  Take a few drops of the oil and apply to your face in a circular motion using very light pressure. That will complete your oil cleansing procedure. Or I like to use these exfoliating cotton rounds found on Amazon. I moisten the round, add a few pumps of the Seabuckthorn Oil and continue with the massage, just like you would receive when you get a professional facial.
  • Make sure you are moving your hands (or cotton round) in a circular motion as you apply the oil drops to your face and massage them. This way of massage is more effective than others at activating the skin’s natural defenses!
  •  When you are finished massaging your face, take a clean, soft towel and gently wipe away any excess oil that may have been left behind.
  •  If you feel like your skin needs it, use moisturizer after.

The Best Oil Cleanser Out There. The Living Libations Seabuckthorn Oil 

The Seabuckthorn oil has received a great deal of excellent feedback from customers, many of whom have purchased the product first, intending to try it before purchasing further supplies. Click on the link about to read the reviews!

Because of its organic nutrients and capabilities, it will revitalize your skin and return it to its normal state. You may get your hands on your own through Amazon, which offers shipments to several countries.

How to Be Using Your Oil Cleanser?

It is one of the best-selling skincare products on the market. It is applied to the skin as an all-in-one oil serum because it contains all the necessary components for maintaining healthy skin. So what is oil cleansing if you are not doing it with this product? This is the best oil cleanser to use for fresh skin. 

With numerous advantages and no side effects, this cleanser keeps your skin healthy, glowing, hydrated, and young. This is a personally tested product that only brought forth positive results. The bio-active ingredients, vitamins, and lipids used in this product help boost the skin defenses and activate it against incoming bacteria!

Benefits of the Oil Cleansing Method

Let’s take a look at the advantages of oil cleansing now that we’ve covered the topic of “how to oil cleanse,” which brought up the question in the first place:

Skin Benefit

Cleaning your face with oil is one of the kindest and most soothing methods for your skin. These oils help your skin feel softer, which in turn makes it smoother and hydrates it more effectively, reducing any rashes or abrasions that may occur as a result of the process.

Blood Flow

You can promote healthy blood flow to your face by massaging the oils that are already there. When you rub the oils on your face in a circular motion, you stimulate blood circulation just below the surface of your skin. You will experience fewer irritation and skin concerns if your blood circulates more effectively.

Hydrated Skin

Learn the appropriate way to oil cleanse so your skin does not get overly dry. It’s a common misconception that those with oily skin have more problems than those with dry skin. Nevertheless, that is not the situation. Itching, cracking, and severe eczema are among symptoms that can be caused by dry skin. Therefore, oil cleansing is a method that can assist in keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized.


When you use oil to thoroughly clean your face, harmful pollutants will be eliminated from your skin. This ends up giving the skin a better appearance all around.

Completely Natural

If you put potent and strong products on your skin, those products will not assist in clearing up your skin at all. In many cases, the product’s strength correlates to the quality of the outcome it produces.

Only those oils are employed that will prove beneficial to your face. 

These oils also stimulate your sebaceous glands, increasing sebum production. In addition, it is a greasy material that prevents your skin from becoming dry and brittle. So does oil cleansing help with acne? Yes, it does that too.

Popular Oil Cleansing Myths!

Oil Cleansing Makes It Oily

People with oily skin often believe they cannot use the oil cleansing method because they fear it will make their skin even oilier. Should oily skin use oil cleanser? 

This is the first and most common of the oil cleansing myths. However, adopting a cleansing procedure involving oil encourages the generation of additional sebum to compensate for the lack of sebum, which can result in excess oil production and acne.

On the other hand, oil cleansers are milder and don’t deprive the skin of the lipids necessary for maintaining a balanced and healthy complexion. However, the result does depend on how often you should oil cleanse. 

No Makeup – No Cleansing

The other myth is that people tend to believe that they do not necessarily require oil cleansing if they do not regularly use heavy cosmetics and makeup products. This is not the situation at all! All kinds of skin and all kinds of skin problems are treatable with oil cleansing.

To begin using oil on your face, you don’t necessarily need to have a serious problem with your skin. You can use this procedure to maintain your skin health in general, or you can simply use it to ensure that your skin is protected from future outbreaks!

Oil Cleansing Does Not Help with Acne

How does oil cleansing help with acne? Well, Traditional facial cleansers can potentially remove all micro-organisms from the skin, both beneficial and harmful. However, oil cleansing does not remove helpful bacteria and germs from the skin, which can aid in the prevention of skin problems such as acne. So, to debunk the myth that oil cleansing is only used for cleaning the makeup off your face or whatnot, here is a proper explanation. 

Adapting Oil Cleansing in Your Morning Routine

You just learned how to oil cleanse and know the benefits and importance of oil cleansing, so why not adopt it permanently in your morning skincare routine? This will also help improve your skincare routine, and you will see results within 14 days (if you use the product I recommend). 

Your skin should feel supple and clean after you have finished oil cleansing since all makeup and other items will have been removed. Therefore, using a moisturizer is not strictly necessary in conjunction with applying the BSB Sea Buckthorn product.

Want to take oil cleansing to the next level? Check out my article on gua sha by clicking here.

Bottom line

It is highly recommended that you give the oil cleansing procedure a shot. The Sea buckthorn Best Skin Ever formula helps your skin return to its natural glow by working actively. In addition to its cleansing oil properties, this product also has moisturizing and exfoliating properties for the skin.

Now is the moment to show your skin some love and care by giving it proper attention. So start your trip to skin that is clear and healthy as soon as possible by getting this product from Amazon. Even though we have personally tested it for you already, give it a try and see the beautiful benefits it produces.

Hopefully, all your questions regarding how to oil cleanse and whether oily skin should use oil cleanser or not must have been cleared away. So go and order now!

I would love to know your thoughts. Comment below with questions or share your experience. XOXO Mary