I was on a plane back from New York City when I read an article. The title said, “The Introvert’s Guide to Surviving Midlife Crisis.” I immediately felt angry and defensive. That’s not how midlife feels to me at all. It’s more like: What am I doing with my life? Why don’t I feel good about myself? What do I want out of this stage in my life? Then, as if by divine intervention, a thought popped into my head: Maybe some things can help me overcome these feelings of discontentment. And so began an adventure in self-discovery that led me down three paths—ultimately towards feeling more content than ever!
Key #1: I said YES when someone else suggested it
I will tell you something I know because I’ve been there myself: it is hard to learn something new when you feel stuck.
But you can do it. And by “you,” I mean me, too! So now that we are on the same page (and if we are not already), let’s get started.
Say yes when someone asks you to do something with them, even if it seems like a silly request. For example, if your friend wants you to be their “plus one” at a party where they know no one else but just saw an open spot on the guest list, say yes! Likewise, when your sister asks if you can help her move into her new apartment this weekend—and she lives across town—say yes!
When your friend asks if you want to see a movie, even though all you have on your calendar is time with yourself and some Netflix shows, say yes! If a stranger asks where the nearest train station is or if they can borrow your cell phone (because their phone died), say yes! When someone wants to hang out with you but at an inconvenient time for them—like during work hours or when you’re busy doing other things—say yes!
Key #2: A focus on the good, not perfect
Let go of the need to be perfect. You don’t have to be perfect to be good, so focus on what you can do and how to improve instead of what you have not done or accomplished. When you focus on the positive things in your life, it is easier to see other opportunities for growth in your current situation.
You may be surprised to find that when you stop focusing on what is wrong and start focusing on what’s right, there are many more opportunities for growth. Focusing on the positive aspects of your life will help you get better results and improve your life in ways you never imagined possible.
It’s easy to get caught up in the things that are wrong with your life and focus on them, but this will not help you improve. So instead, focus on the positive aspects of your life and how they can be improved or changed into something even better than what they already are.
Key #3: Being grateful for where I was and what I have
The last key to escaping feeling stuck in midlife is being grateful for where you are and what you have. This means being thankful for the people in your life, the opportunities that come your way, and even the challenges that present themselves.
So how do you practice gratitude? One way is by keeping a journal or writing down three things each day that made you happy during your day. Click here for the journal I love.
When you accept the invitation to do something good, you can move towards better.
When you accept the invitation to do something good, you can move towards better. Therefore, accepting an invitation is a step towards moving in the direction of better.
It doesn’t mean that you will get there, but it does mean that when you accept the invitation if it is an opportunity, you have taken one step closer toward better.
When you do something good, it can be a way to move towards better. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you will reach your goal, but it does mean that when you do something good if it is an opportunity for you, you have taken one step closer toward better.
I want to hear from you. What have been your top three strategies for escaping feelings of stuckness? Tell me in the comments below, and we can support each other in finding freedom from our prisons.
How do you take care of yourself? Please share it with us in the comment section!
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